
Griffin Law in the News

Griffin Law Wins Race Horse Lawsuit

Christi Griffin, AttorneyOn June 19, 2015, Christi Griffin of Griffin Law Office soundly defeated a plaintiff’s lawsuit seeking to enforce a verbal agreement involving Indiana thoroughbred horse racing. The Kentucky-based plaintiff filed suit in Tennessee against the Tennessee-based defendants. The plaintiff had been summarily suspended by the Indiana Horse Racing Commission when horses under the plaintiff’s control tested positive for illegal substances. With the approval of the Indiana Grand Race Track Stewards, the plaintiff (who was banned from Indiana horse racing) sold a maiden thoroughbred race horse to the defendants so that the horse would be eligible to race. Later, after the horse won its first two races, the plaintiff sought to take the horse back by alleging a verbal agreement that contravened the written bill of sale and transfer of title. Griffin Law called as its first witness the Indiana Grand steward who executed the plaintiff’s suspension. The steward testified that the alleged verbal agreement violated Indiana’s horse racing statutes  and would never have been approved by the Board of Stewards. The Court upheld the written bill of sale and title transfer as valid and binding. The Court rejected the verbal agreement as being in violation of Indiana law and therefore void ab initio and unenforceable in Tennessee. The defendants rightfully retain ownership of the horse.

Interview: Affordable Care Act

Health care attorney Christi Griffin interviewed by radio business journalist, Coleman Walker of WANT FM 98.9 / WCOR AM 1490, about the Affordable Care Act’s impact on employers.

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